It’s a Vibe

Meditations on the mystical spirit

In everything, is hidden music


The insatiable thirst for knowledge is what widens our threshold for beauty. 

There are many ways to hear our cosmos, find the third sight gazing upon your coffee froth, to swim under a sunset, to feel the pull of dazzling lights, and surrender to a vital lesson. No matter the case, the language of your marvels, all lives led to each other.

Some things do require more than knowledge, even more than courage is intuition that will take the lead.

It’s the Spirit that moves this body. How para-gliders dance with the wind, we trust the elements in their subtleness and strength to journey us to exotic places in the mind and the varied layers of our cake-tiered world. 

Our hollow body is inspirited by consciousness we play like a flute. Life began from vibration - cellular, then came melody - pulse, became rhythm - timbre that contoured thought, and the impulse to evolve. 

Rhythm is natural life in motion, carving stone into a spear, routine of footsteps, symmetry of left stroke, right stroke bathing beneath streaming water. 

So stunning the sound it awakened the conscious mind. Landscapes for being and wonderment. The is the shaman to the etheric senses. A trancendic medicine to euphonic dance, losing the self to the sensual. This is the sanctity of bliss enduring.

This is where I invite you to access your intuition in meditation. When you listen, many insights will open. This is the energetics of being. We’re rhythmic beings, creative beings. 

The crisis of creativity is the immense loss of the senses, culture, diversity, design, forgetting our home - the wonder-mental outdoors and the wilderness within us, meaning the sacred mystery of our existence.

Art is a portal for the subtle muses, where the body becomes inspirited, an “endless shore” of possibility. You can try to saddle it, but Spirit is music that stirs us beyond control. 

Formless, striving, eternal. We become entangled to everything in the non-duality of our true reality, intimacy and artistry. My obligation to society as an artist is to be curious and encourage others to explore their somatic being. Contentment comes from being  energetically held and received.


The central force of all creative beings is the uni-verse - that mantra, O-M, this primordial sound that ripples everything into being. We’re the many stains of glass radiating through this kaleidoscopic window of consciousness. 

There’s a reason why artists often are the interpreters of awe. They’re highly exercised intuitives. Refining your self trust refines the life you’ll lead and the world others will be born unto. It’s the feeling of oneness and contentment for simply being alive. 

We find the mystic in our spherical potluck - every manifestation of awe - 

which may include astrological discoveries, fast cars, cloudy peaks, river dances, plane windows, steamy bolognese, merging memories of the same moon, electric guitar - curiosity will be your teacher, your community starring as the field crew to another path of understanding the Mystical Spirit within us. 

Do you ever find yourself tilting your head above or completely hypnotized in dance?

There’s something else going on here…something we have to find in the meditation. Wherever you must go to rediscover your essence…where the sacredness of ecstasy comes from. The greatest mystery of life is that it’s no mystery at all. It’s the knowing within, our nature we’re returning to. When it’s conscious within us, it can expand its light.


The Singing Bowl

I stir the brim of this hollow bowl. The metal sings, a high soprano then dives deeper with the heat of my cadence.

The bowl becomes full. This energy summoned by the will of my fingers. 

The sound within the bowl tickles my palm, vibrations that enter through the invisible fabric of our soul’s abode.

Creative expression releases the process of your emotions and lends for affirmation of one’s woes and awes. Tell me the truth, paint it for me however you need to. Art is reflective. Play is the infinite discovery of ourselves. Feeling is the truest art. 

How can we tune into the world with full presence and ease to feel the pleasures inside us? Spirit embodies everything present in you, liberated by art. 

Consciousness is found in the potential of clay, shapeshifting into flesh. Birdsong arose its soul. This innate intelligence is universal consciousness. You can name it Spirit, a universe of our collective souls.

Every person that encounters you is imbued with Spirit and exercises the divine intelligence (intuitive knowing). The inter-web we’re entangled in. Spaces we come together. 


Beauty is the pulse that unveils the mystery (of your soul)…eternal discovery, spontaneous visions, another chance to fall in love with curiosity, to follow your intuition. The more one expands to receive, the richer and diverse beauty will be experienced. 

This is the truth of romance.

The more you know yourself, the more fluent you become in universal intuition. 

We experience the sensual world as a limb of ourselves, stirring dimensions, rippling lives awakening another with creative re-imagining. 

Human culture is a finely needled tapestry of voices.

We dance to the vibrant rhythm of every soul, living a divine message.

Am I loved? Did I love well? Even in our idiosyncrasies, we are loved.

Love is liberation.

We’re alive because of love. 

We love each other and everything through its vitality, not its container.

From the will of energetic forces, a reoccurring thought, a desire to conceive, a symbiotic bondage, a care and nourishment of another, in stories, memories, and with each other’s unique qualities, sparks reflected within us to brighten all the skies we breathe within.

The universe is indeed expanding. From the embryonic to the ever-creating self. Creation is the most sacred because creativity is the innate nature of the Mystical Spirit. It pleasures in flows, expansion, cycles…


The babe lets out a cry to take its first breath. 

Breath is creative…intuitive…orgasmic. Creation has voices. An echo creates itself. Collaboration between guitar and guitarist is unification.

“Sound creates reality within us - math, harmonics, speech…” Vibration tides the qualities…frequency, 44th octave, light, heat, spectrum, magnetism, electricity…

They say the soul is sound and is it Spirit who summons to hear it? A chant is prayer to Spirit because it’s the language and make of Spirit; vibrational frequency. Spirit is vibration and everything that is manifest descends from the seed of vibrancy.

“God” is the evolution of sound, beginning from the first word, Aum/Om..Abc…

Prayer is manifestation spoken into existence, spiriting rhythm, when dance and song become our universe, the God (OM) that is humming, that’s why we like to lose ourselves in the crowd, everyone possessed in dance, this is how falcons took to the skies, a feather in our every breath.

GOD = YOU ~ OM > HU > AH > AWE 

I honor you for joining this space. In everything, is hidden music.


Like your heartbeat, energetics of the sun, the body sings as if silence is mythic and our world revolves its hips, the skies vibrate color, all together casting quartets with our tongues. 

In harmony, consciousness transforms.

It’s alive, if it moves you. Let it entrance you and call it masti—ecstasy. Let it lift you to the innermost sanctum. Ascend. Alchemize.

Music is human in full expression. 

Harmony embodied is all potentials and manifestations moving through us. Essence of seed and sprout. Whole being. Aliveness. Tuning is a union. 

The energetics of sound massage the skin and heal the oversaturated mind. When the heart syncs to another. This is regulation.

Sharing our breath and our beat, bodies in motion, gathering our voices, all binding us through Spirit. This is the ebb and flow of the Universe. 

What is the earth with its waves, dynamic curves, bristling trees, resonation of stars, but an ecstatic symphony! 

Everything you feel through you constitutes a rhythm.


Intention is the thinking.

Compassion is the saying.

Harmony is the doing.

WILL (sound) = Doing like thunder

CONSCIOUSNESS (light) = Being like lightning

Both, fundamentally are the nature of Spirit.

We are consciousness. 

We are in sanctum when we live each moment in its truest potential (magic). Aliveness is what we exhale to our person and our place. 

Nature designed our consciousness. Biophilia. No wonder we feel at peace in the wilderness. What is language but the exotic chant of birds. The playfulness of the wind with the waves. The sun marinating into the river. 

In our natural habitats, the senses of which one knows one self quantifies. Life is a web of conversations…a bioacoustic enrichment.

The ones with strangers in transit, with your afternoon coffee, your neighbor’s open door, inside your mind, your cheek catching sea mist, the dawn rising through your skin…


The world is fluid, where all things exist at once. Ever-becoming is another version of formlessness. Embrace your spiritual identity as fluid and reshaping, as an Unknowable Spirit and therefore, all answers become felt, inclusive. 

Anyone that dances with you becomes community. This is the mystical experience. This is the teaching of the sacred. The new revelation is not prophetic, but faithful. Its self-led and all embracing. We exist before and after our vessels as a part of a collective consciousness.

We are conscious and creative in the interiors and exteriors of existence.

It’s only been 2 million years of human adolescence and still in sophistication of itself. 

Things are going to get stranger…ever redefining. Creation had no structure. No motive. No direction or commandment but to “do” and “be.” Everything else is a human projection. A domestication of the mind. Allow me to remind you in this moment of your wilderness. 

Just turn on the music. 

Everything ancient, mythic was just someone in tune with their feelings, they felt it, poetic. The only way to find it. Step in and immerse in your Mystery. It’s not about solving it, it’s about appreciating the mystery (the existence experience). They found a wisdom in their life worth sharing.

Nothing is what it seems when everywhere I sense is divine. It’s here, the blessed is a pleasure I can always return to. All life and dwelling had no beginning, no end. 

Forever expanding. Always existing. When one thing becomes another, when you see it all in full spectrum, a change of perspective, you become enlightened. You become inspirited.

If I see myself as separate then I will die. If I see myself as a part of everything, then I will live eternally. Reality recreates itself through mothers and raindrops. 

The creative spirit multiplies in translations of oneness. 


You cannot rationalize your essence or the Higher Power. There must be a feminine shift in faith and a returning to the roots of sacred text so that we may find the true meaning of our existence - an existence led with a moral foundation, unsullied by self-interest.

In return, the labor of building a heavenly now can be carried in with the masculine. No matter what beliefs you choose to advocate, the way of spirituality participates in the nature of aliveness. It’s intrinsic. Spirituality begins in the cellular. Vibrational capacity - in the doing and being of life force encoded in us. 

It acts in the constant recreation of…


…the days

…the seasons

…expanding universe

…reassembling thoughts

Carried from the first spark of consciousness animating the mind and body experiment.

In the pursuit of internal peace and pleasure, the individual consciousness succeeds.

In return, the whole consciousness becomes fuller in abundance. This is the truth of sanctity. Everything is bestowed in sacredness because all things imbue life. 

“God” is a metaphor for being-ness.

Love never ends. Life always progresses. There’s nothing to be done to revolt this force. 

No matter one’s doings or thoughts, this force prevails. We’re all destined for greatness, love wouldn’t have it any other way and it starts by how we serve and inspire each other.

Spirituality is vitality, staying true to what makes you alight. 

It’s about the music we make together.


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