Daily poetic musings…
I felt it whole
I felt it pure
Shimmer in my being
All the static from our bodies
charging things unseen
primordial being
Like steam rising from the sea
Activate me
I’m only a vessel for music
There’s nothing I feel this most
I Spontaneously Ascend
Take my heart / you know / on repeat
the rhythms life makes when / you seize my eyes
I want to be the atmosphere
filling your skin so vibrate
A lighthouse in your mind
carrying the peace place anywhere
The acoustics in your muses
taking you to elsewheres
We are meant to be everything, When we expand, so does the universe
It flows to soar
It flutters to bare
It fulfills to live
It’s the shape of a bird
Give me the strength
of all the stars
to live as a feather that
tickles my skin
Smile as her right cheek brushes
against a bare shoulder to feel the
warmth of the sun living inside her
When laughter began my death
I returned to myself in divine blush
Listening to the music of the spheres
In communion with a crow
Losing my mind in eyes of the sky
Molding myself to the bodies of mountains and hills
Arriving to an evergreen spring in my mind
A conscious takes the wings of a falcon
I find it curious how everything works through invisible forces. The silence between the notes. Light and shadow of landscapes. The hollow of a bowl. The dark matter between us. Humanity and the mystery of love. The things we need are invisible - virtue, faith, words spoken and a listening ear.
The seed in the fruit, the mother womb, the Robin’s nest. The Amazon rivers, electric circuits, bloodstreams through our veins, the web of the woods…
Love is a real thing, now you know.
So how will you change the world?
when the world loses count
you’ll know what to say
I’ll open that back door
with you I’ll go there
it’s supernatural
There’s a whole earth of me
anyone can run through
but you’ve found me
in my sunroom
where the light
is most honest
where you can love me
in my roots